Anemia in Pregnancy PPT Template

Anemia in Pregnancy PPT Template
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Anemia in Pregnancy PPT Template: Animated Medical PowerPoint

  • Are you struggling to prepare anemia in pregnancy PPT template presentation with engaging dynamics?
  • Imagine an engaging presentation with dynamic animations and expert-designed content to simplify complex medical concepts. The Anemia in Pregnancy PowerPoint template, designed by RxSlides medical experts, empowers you to do just that.
  • This captivating template offers Clear and concise explanations of anemia in pregnancy, impressive visuals to enhance understanding and animated medical slides to present description, pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment.

Anemia in Pregnancy PPT Template Content

  • The Anemia in Pregnancy PPT template starts with an impressive Cover slide exploring different illustrations related to the medical presentation topics.
The Anemia in Pregnancy PPT template cover slide
The Anemia in Pregnancy PPT template cover slide
  • We provide a creative table of contents to help you organize the essential headlines of anemia in pregnancy PowerPoint template.
Table of contents of Anemia in Pregnancy template
Table of contents of Anemia in Pregnancy PowerPoint template

Anemia Overview

Definition of anemia

  • As the World Health Organization defines, anemia is simply a shortage of red blood cells or the oxygen-carrying protein they contain (hemoglobin).
  • This widespread condition arises from various causes and can significantly impact a patient's well-being.
  • In this introductory section, you can see the dynamic illustration of Erythropoiesis steps in adults.
  • The illustration of hemoglobin, which gives blood its red color and transports oxygen throughout the body, is also visible.
Definition of anemia PPT
Illustrations and medical infographics for anemia

Classification of anemia

  • In this section, we provide two illustrations, the first for anemia classification according to Morphology and the second for Pathogenesis.
  • The morphological classification illustrates the Microcytic, Macrocytic and Normocytic types.

Animated illustrations explain the pathogenesis of anemia and explain contributing factors with visuals; these factors include:

  • Decreased production.
  • Increased destruction.
  • Acute or chronic blood loss.
  • This section also provides medical icons to explain the symptoms of anemia, including fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, pale skin, dizziness and headache.

Medical illustrations explain the diagnostic methods like

  • Physical examination.
  • Laboratory investigations.
  • Complete blood count (CBC).
  • Reticulocyte count.
  • Serum iron studies.
  • Vitamin b12 and folate levels.
  • Specific tests based on suspected etiology.
Classification of anemia medica ppt
Classification of anemia

Anemia in Pregnancy Overview

  • In this section, the anemia in pregnancy PPT template covers the following types of anemia during pregnancy:
  1. A. Physiologic anemia in pregnancy.
  2. B. Iron deficiency anemia.
  3. C. Folate-deficiency anemia.
  4. D. Vitamin B12 deficiency.
  • Medical infographics explain the severity of anemia in pregnancy according to the criteria of (WHO).
  • You can also notice the infographics and illustrations explaining the diagnostic criteria of anemia in pregnancy. Still, you can add your data to this PowerPoint template according to the latest updates.
 Anemia in Pregnancy Illustrations
Illustrations for Anemia in Pregnancy

Physiologic Anemia in Pregnancy

  • During pregnancy, a physiological increase in blood volume dilutes red blood cell concentration, leading to "physiologic anemia of pregnancy.”
  • Anemia in pregnancy PPT template provides illustrations explaining this concept and graphs showing changes in plasma volume and red blood cells during pregnancy.
Physiologic anemia in pregnancy
Physiologic anemia in pregnancy

Iron Deficiency Anemia in Pregnancy

  • You can explore different topics related to iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy with animated illustrations, including.

Diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy

  • According to NIH, Laboratory testing is the most important factor in diagnosing iron deficient anemia.
  • Medical illustrations explain different measurements used in the diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia; these methods include measurement of serum iron (SI), serum ferritin (SF), transferrin saturation (TS) and total iron-binding capacity (TIBC).

Global prevalence of iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy

  • The PowerPoint template on pregnancy anemia provides charts and infographics to visualize the prevalence of anemia in pregnancy at local and international levels.

Causes of iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy

  • Causes include nutritional deficiencies, inadequate absorption (celiac disease), increased blood loss, expanded requirements during pregnancy and insufficient utilization.

Risk factors

  • Risk factors that may increase the incidence of anemia in pregnancy are visualized in this template, including:
  1. Poor iron absorption during pregnancy.
  2. Multiple gestations.
  3. Successive gestations less than two years apart.
  4. Adolescent pregnancy.
  5. Chronic blood loss.
  6. Decreased total body iron before the pregnancy.
  • You can notice that we used medical icons to illustrate causes and risk factors to visualize the content.
  • According to the Journal of Laboratory and Precision Medicine (JLPM), iron deficiency anemia can have serious adverse health consequences for the mother and child.

Complications of iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy

  • You will see that the complications are illustrated, including maternal and fetal complications.

Maternal complication

  • Maternal complication includes fatigue, shortness of breath and dizziness.
  • Lethargy, paresthesia, tachycardia, tachypnea, pallor, glossitis, cheilitis, higher risk of pre-eclampsia and postpartum depression.
  • Serious complications appear mostly in Hb less than 6 gr/dl, including congestive heart failure, decreased oxygenation of tissues, arrhythmia and enlarged heart.

Fetal and neonatal consequences

  • Fetal and neonatal consequences include intrauterine growth restriction, spontaneous abortions, low birth weight, premature birth and impaired cognitive and motor development in children.
  • In severe cases, complications may extend to fetal death.

Prevention of iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy

  • Supplementation of elemental iron daily, with vitamin C to enhance absorption.
  • Prenatal vitamins with adequate iron content.
  • Iron-rich foods like red meat, poultry, leafy greens and fortified cereals.
  • You can also get more concepts and illustrations about iron deficiency by exploring the “Iron Deficiency Anemia PowerPoint Template“.
Prevention of iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy
Iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy medical slides

Treatment of iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy

  • Illustrated treatment options include oral iron, parenteral iron and blood transfusions.
  • We also had some drug generics examples for parenteral treatment.
  1. Iron Sucrose.
  2. Ferric carboxymaltose.
  3. Sodium ferric gluconate complex.
  4. Ferumoxytol.
  5. Low-molecular-weight iron dextran (LMW-ID).
Treatment of iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy templatee
Illustrated treatment of iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy

Folic Acid Deficiency in Pregnancy

  • In this section of the Anemia in Pregnancy PPT template, we will explore Folic acid deficiency in pregnancy with the appropriate animations.

Causes of folic acid deficiency in pregnancy

  • Medical infographics show that folic acid deficiency in pregnancy happens due to decreased intake, impaired absorption and increased folic acid requirements due to fetal growth, maternal erythropoiesis and high estrogen and progesterone levels (inhibit absorption).

Clinical features of folic acid deficiency in pregnancy

  • Folic acid deficiency results in general anemia symptoms with skin roughness and glossitis.
  • Clinical features include larger erythrocytes, Abnormal nuclear-cytoplasmic appearance and Normochromic and macrocytic findings.
  • Visuals show that the blood test is used in diagnosis.

Severe deficiency of folic acid complications

  • Medical icons and infographics illustrate severe complications like prematurity, fetal death, hypertension, placental abruption and malformations.

Treatment of folic acid deficiency in pregnancy

  • The deficiency is treated with Folate supplementation.

Vitamin B12 Deficiencies in Pregnancy

  • It often co-exists with folic acid deficiency and is treated with vitamin B12 injections.
Vitamin B12 Deficiencies in Pregnancy
Folic acid deficiency in pregnancy

Pregnancy With Sickle Cell Anemia

  • This part explores many aspects of sickle cell anemia in pregnancy.


  • Sickle cell anemia is hereditary when both parents carry the sickle-shaped hemoglobin gene.


  • Illustrations describe sickle-shaped hemoglobin cells that tend to get stuck in the smaller blood vessels.
  • These blood vessels can become blocked, which stops oxygen from getting to the places where it is needed.
  • The template provides an Inheritance diagram that shows how the disease is inherited from parents to children.
  • The baby's risk of inheriting the disease increases if both parents carry the gene.

Risks of sickle cell anemia to the pregnant woman

  • Increases the risk of miscarriage.
  • Pregnancy-induced hypertension.
  • Premature birth.

Monitoring and follow-up

  • The pregnant woman with sickle cell anemia should be closely monitored during pregnancy and the newborn babies should be screened for sickle cell anemia at birth.
Pregnancy with sickle cell anemia template
Pregnancy with sickle cell anemia infographics

RxSlides Visuals for Anemia in Pregnancy PowerPoint Template

  • You can notice that RxSlides provides you with a set of PowerPoint icons and illustrations related to anemia in pregnancy medical presentations that will help you customize the content of this 100% editable presentation according to your content and audience interest.
RxSlides illustrations and infographics for Anemia in pregnancy PowerPoint template
RxSlides illustrations and infographics for Anemia in pregnancy PowerPoint template
RxSlides icons for Anemia in pregnancy PowerPoint template
RxSlides icons for Anemia in pregnancy PowerPoint template

Features of the Template

- 100% editable PowerPoint template.
- Editable colors, you can change according to your presentation style and company branding guidelines.