Bronchial Asthma Presentation: Medical PowerPoint Template
The Bronchial Asthma PPT template is an animated medical PowerPoint template that will help you realize the full potential of your presentation.
RxSlides medical animations and infographics will attract your audience.
Our Animated Respiratory System PowerPoint Templates leverage animations to explain key aspects of respiratory normal and pathological conditions , fostering long-term knowledge retention.
Bronchial Asthma PowerPoint Template Content
Creatively designed cover slides to start your Bronchial Asthma PPT presentation with.
Creatively designed cover slides to start your Bronchial Asthma PPT presentation with.
Editable, customized table of contents that will help you explain the contents of your Bronchial Asthma PPT presentation.
contents of bronchial asthma PPT template
Definition of asthma
The definition of bronchial asthma is provided with illustrations related to asthma as a respiratory illness.
Bronchial asthma is a lung disease in which the airways get narrow and swollen and are blocked by excess mucus.
definition of bronchial asthma
Prevalence of asthma
The prevalence on global and local levels is visualized in an infographic; you can change the percentage and country according to your data, which makes the prevalence data easily described.
prevalence of Bronchial Asthma
Medical icons explaining risk factors for asthma
Risk factors are explained with related medical icons, including smoking, obesity, family history and age.
Medical icons explaining risk factors of Bronchial Asthma
Bronchial asthma triggers
Triggers, including irritants, outdoor allergens, viruses and indoor allergens, are explained visually.
Bronchial Asthma triggers
Asthma pathophysiology
Asthma pathogenesis animation using easily edited illustrations shows the trachea, which branches off into the proper and left bronchi and continues to branch into thousands of bronchioles.
In the bronchioles, you have the lumen, the mucosa, which includes the inner lining of epithelial cells, the lamina propria and the submucosa, where the smooth muscle lives.
The asthma pathogenesis animation shows how dendritic cells pick up allergens, which present them to a type 2 helper cell.
TH2 cells produce cytokines like IL-4 and IL-4, leading to IgE antibodies that coat mast cells.
TH2 cell produces cytokines like IL-5 and IL-5, conversely, activates eosinophils.
The smooth muscle around the bronchioles spasms and secretes more mucus after being exposed to the allergen, narrowing the airways and making breathing harder.
The smooth muscle rings encircling the tiny airways in an asthmatic's lungs constrict and narrow in response to an asthma trigger.
The endothelium of the lungs is physically damaged by chemical mediators leading to edema, scarring, fibrosis accumulation and thickening.
Pathophysiology of Bronchial Asthma
Types of bronchial asthma
Types are also explained, showing Allergic Asthma, Seasonal Asthma, Occupational Asthma, Non-Allergic Asthma and Exercise-Induced Asthma.
Types of bronchial asthma
Medical visuals for asthma symptoms
Signs and symptoms are explained with editable visuals of sneezing, wheezing, coughing, breath shortness and feeling tired.
Medical visuals for symptoms of bronchial asthma
Illustrated diagnostic methods for asthma
Diagnosis is carefully designed to show insights into the diagnosis of asthma using animated editable icons and illustrations, including chest X-rays, lung function tests, allergy testing and arterial blood gas analysis.
Illustrated diagnostic methods
Treatment options for asthma
Treatment options, including quick-relief medicines, short-acting beta-2 agonists and corticosteroids, are visualized and explained using illustrations.
Animated illustrations that show how short-acting beta-2 agonists, such as albuterol and levalbuterol, SABA bind onto the beta-2 adrenergic receptors in the respiratory airways, triggering a signaling cascade that causes an increase in cAMP levels, which leads to smooth muscle relaxation and improved airflow.
Treatment options are updated according to the latest asthma guidelines.
Treatment options for bronchial asthma
Preventive methods of asthma
Prevention includes healthy lifestyle choices such as taking preventive medication, reducing exposure to allergens and avoiding triggers.
Preventive methods of bronchial asthma
RxSlides visuals for bronchial asthma PowerPoint presentation
A set of PowerPoint icons and illustrations related to asthma disease will help you customize the content of this 100% editable presentation according to your content and audience interest.
RxSlides visuals for bronchial asthma PowerPoint presentation
Features of the Template
- 100% editable PowerPoint template. - Editable colors, you can change according to your presentation style and company branding guidelines.
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