The Atorvastatin PPT template is an animated medical PowerPoint template designed by RxSlides, Your trusted partner for clear, confident presentations.
Pre-designed medical slides with editable content and dynamic animations let you customize your message while saving valuable time.
Focus on your insights and deliver impressive presentations that showcase your expertise in atorvastatin therapy.
Designed by medical professionals for medical professionals, this animated presentation dives deep into the structure, mechanisms and diverse types of this essential medication.
Atorvastatin is sold in the market under the name of Lipitor produced by Pfizer, tablet (10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg, 80 mg)
Atorvastatin PPT Template Content
Creatively designed cover slides to start your Atorvastatin PPT presentation.
Creatively designed cover for atorvastatin PPT template.
Editable table of contents that will help you show the contents of your atorvastatin PPT presentation.
Editable table of contents that will help you show the contents of your Atorvastatin PPT presentation.
Introduction to atorvastatin
Medical illustrations visualize the product composition and the chemical structure of Atorvastatin.
Medical illustrations visualizing product composition and the chemical structure of Atorvastatin.
Market analysis
Atorvastatin market analysis charts illustrate the marketing data for the drug.
Atorvastatin market analysis
Atorvastatin indications are visualized with icons, including medical conditions such as myocardial infarction, revascularization procedures, primary hyperlipidemia, primary dysbetalipoproteinemia, stroke, heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia and angina.
It is considered first-line therapy for primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular events (MI, stroke, revascularization) in patients with established atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) or at high risk of developing it.
Atorvastatin Indications
Introductory medical slides (lipids overview)
An introduction to lipids is also provided in the Atorvastatin PPT template, showing cholesterol's pharmacological structure, the lipoprotein structure, the lipoprotein types, differences between HDL and LDL, different cholesterol levels, the average lipid profile, hypercholesterolemia causes and lipid metabolism.
The lipoproteins’ structure infographic includes icons that shows the apoprotein, the lipid core, the phospholipid and the cholesterol.
Lipids and cholesterol
Types: fat-soluble biomolecules, including fats, oils, sterols (e.g., cholesterol) and phospholipids.
The cholesterol structure is illustrated as four fused rings with a hydroxyl group and an attached hydrocarbon chain.
Lipoprotein structure shows Spheres with a central core of hydrophobic lipids (cholesterol, triglycerides) surrounded by a phospholipid monolayer and apolipoproteins (transport proteins).
Lipoprotein infographics showing the structure of CM, VLDL and LDL
Chylomicrons: Largest, transport dietary triglycerides from the intestine to adipose tissue.
VLDL (very low-density lipoprotein) delivers triglycerides from the liver to adipose tissue and muscle.
IDL (intermediate-density lipoprotein): Remainder of VLDL breakdown, delivering cholesterol to the liver.
LDL (low-density lipoprotein) delivers most cholesterol to peripheral tissues; high levels contribute to atherosclerosis.
HDL (High-density lipoprotein): "Good" cholesterol removes excess cholesterol from tissues and transports it to the liver for excretion.
Comparative illustrations between HDL and LDL
The differences between HDL and LDL are well illustrated with animations that show how LDL, or low-density lipoprotein, carries cholesterol that can stick to arteries, collect in the vessel lining, form plaque and sometimes block blood flow, as well as HDL, or high-density lipoprotein, which takes cholesterol away from the blood and returns it to the liver.
The different cholesterol levels infographics show healthy, at-risk and dangerous cholesterol levels.
Causes of hypercholesterolemia
The hypercholesterolemia causes are shown by infographics that contain animated icons of the underactive thyroid gland, old age, family history, certain medications, high blood pressure, male gender, smoking and type 2 diabetes.
Lipid metabolism
The lipid metabolism is visualized with animations showing how fat globules are digested by bile salts into triglycerides, which are further digested by pancreatic lipase into monoglycerides, free fatty acids and glycerol.
Dynamic medical animations in Atorvastatin PPT slides show how HMG-COA is metabolized by the HMG-CoA reductase enzyme, causing the production of mevalonate and further cholesterol.
Introductory medical slides (lipids overview)
Animated mechanism of action of statins
Statins are HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors; animated illustrations visualize that statins act by competitively inhibiting the rate-limiting enzyme in cholesterol biosynthesis, leading to decreased LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels while raising HDL cholesterol.
Animated mechanism of action of statins
Atorvastatin dosage
Atorvastatin dosage infographics in the Atorvastatin PPT template show illustrations of pediatric patients younger than ten years of age, pediatric patients ten years of age and older and adult patients.
Atorvastatin Dosing
Atorvastatin pharmacokinetics are shown through different animated illustrations and charts describing other points such as absorption, bioavailability, distribution volume, half-life, elimination route and toxicity.
An impressive, animated illustration for the liver demonstrates how Atorvastatin is metabolized in the liver by CYP 3A4, CYP 3A5 and CYP 2D6.
Atorvastatin Pharmacokinetics medical PPT
Side effects
Atorvastatin's side effects in men and women are mentioned using medical icons of runny nose, muscle and joint pain, diarrhea, pain in extremities, urinary tract infection, upset stomach, nausea, musculoskeletal pain, vomiting, dizziness, reduced appetite and headache.
Atorvastatin Side effects
Warnings and precautions
Atorvastatin warnings are mentioned in the Atorvastatin PPT using animated icons of myopathy and rhabdomyolysis, immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy and hepatic dysfunction; the contraindications are also mentioned, including acute liver failure and hypersensitivity to Atorvastatin.
Atorvastatin Warnings and Precautions
Competitive analysis
Atorvastatin: different comparisons are provided, including illustrations of the chemical structures of other statins such as rosuvastatin, Pitavastatin, Fluvastatin, pravastatin, simvastatin, lovastatin and Mevastatin.
Competitive analysis for atorvastatin alternatives
clinical studies
Atorvastatin clinical study templates are provided with animated charts and illustrations to help visualize different data.
clinical studies for atorvastatin
RxSlides visuals for Atorvastatin PowerPoint template
RxSlides medical PowerPoint provides a set of PowerPoint icons and illustrations related to Atorvastatin, which will help you customize the content of this 100% editable medical PowerPoint template according to your content and audience interest.
RxSlides icons for atorvastatin PowerPoint template
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Features of the Template
- 100% editable PowerPoint template. - Editable colors, you can change according to your presentation style and company branding guidelines.
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