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Cystic Fibrosis Infographics Medical Templates
Risk factors of cystic fibrosis: Animated Infographics
Cystic fibrosis risk factors include family history, different ethnicity and specific CFTR gene mutations.
Animated medical illustrations visualizing the pathogenesis of Cystic fibrosis
Impressive animations are designed by RxSlides professionals to explain the pathogenic mechanisms of cystic fibrosis and its effect on the lungs, sweat and pancreas.
Decreasing chloride and increasing sodium resorption into the cellular space is the primary pathological effect.
The increased sodium reabsorption leads to increased water resorption and manifests thicker mucus secretions on epithelial linings and more viscous secretions from exocrine tissues.
Thickened mucus secretions in every organ system result in mucus plugging and obstruction pathologies.
The most affected organs include the sinuses, lungs, pancreas, biliary and hepatic systems, intestines and sweat glands.
Animated illustrations explain the mentioned mechanism in the lung visualizing the normal and diseased conditions including the obstruction of chloride secretion and increased water resorption leading to thickened secretions.
Medical illustrations show the difference between lung airways and susceptibility to infection in normal and diseased states.
Illustrated animation for the pancreas shows the effect of thick secretions that lead to the blocking of the pancreatic duct and, as a result, the blockade of the enzymatic secretion of the pancreas into the GIT tract.
Long-term blocking of the pancreatic duct leads to pancreatitis and fibrosis.
An animated example of how cystic fibrosis affects the sweat gland shows how chloride is barred from entering the cell membrane and joins sodium to form crystal salts, which become sweat salt.
Sinus disease occurs when secretion viscosity increases, which obstructs the sinus ostia. These include ciliary dysfunction, increased inflammatory mediators, and increased bacterial colonization.
cystic fibrosis Pathogenesis: Animated mechanism by PowerPoint
Illustrated classification of cystic fibrosis: Animated PPT
Cystic fibrosis occurs when the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein is either not made correctly or at all.
Cystic fibrosis classification slides illustrate a dynamic animation to show the steps of normal gene synthesis and points of defect that result in damage.
The most recent classification system groups mutations by the problems that they cause in the production of the CFTR protein: (Class 1) Protein production mutations. (Class 2) Protein processing mutations. (Class 3) Gating mutations. (Class 4) Conduction mutations. (Class 5) Insufficient protein mutations.
Animated illustrated classification of cystic fibrosis
Cystic fibrosis symptoms: Medical icons
Animated visuals explain Cystic fibrosis signs and symptoms such as visuals of a lung infection, meconium ileus, salty sweat and blocked pancreatic duct vector shapes.
Cystic Fibrosis Symptoms Infographics by RxSlides
Cystic Fibrosis Diagnosis: Animated medical illustrations
medical illustrations Show the diagnosis of Cystic fibrosis, including lab tests, sweat tests and immunoreactive trypsinogen (IRT).
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