Depression PowerPoint Template

Depression PowerPoint Template
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Depression Presentation: Medical PowerPoint Template

  • The Depression PPT template is a dynamic medical PowerPoint presentation that will help you realize the full potential of your presentation.
  • RxSlides animated templates include medical animations and infographics, which will attract your audience.
  • You can rely on our demonstrated infographics to provide a dynamic and appealing Depression presentation to your audience.
  • You can notice that our Neurology PowerPoint Templates library provides illustrations and diagrams perfectly designed for neurological presentations.

Depression PowerPoint Template Content

  • Nice looking cover slides to start your Depression PPT presentation with.
Depression PPT
Cover slides to start your Depression PPT presentation with. 
  • Depression, as a Nervous Illness, is a mood disorder that causes persistent sadness and loss of interest.

Medical infographics showing epidemiology

  • The epidemiology of this mood disorder is shown on global and local levels and prevalence among different genders and ages is visualized with various charts and infographics.
  • Medical infographics show that females experience higher rates than males.
  • Memorable infographics are inserted to discuss the prevalence of depression in families with relatives suffering from the disease.
  • You can change the percentage and country of the prevalence according to your data.
epidemiology of depression ppt
Medical infographics showing Depression  epidemiology
  • Animated slides with medical icons discussing depression causes, including genetic, environmental and psychological factors.

Animated illustration for the pathophysiology of depression

  • The pathogenesis mechanism discusses the Monoamine Deficiency Hypothesis, discussing monoamines as serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine structure and disturbances consequences.
  • Animated illustrations explain the chemical structures of the mentioned monoamines.
  • As illustrated, The monoamine deficiency hypothesis states that:
  1. Serotonin deficiency leads to obsession and compulsion.
  2. Norepinephrine deficiency leads to anxiety.
  3. Dopamine deficiency leads to tiredness and feeling unmotivated.
  • Impressive animation illustrates the normal state of secretion of monoamine at the nerve ending, interaction with 5HT receptors and reuptake by 5HT reuptake transporters.
  • Then, the illustration shows monoamine transmission depletion and 5HT receptor upregulation.
  • The dynamic illustrations in this section of depression PPT are essential for later understanding the treatment mechanism.
 depression pathophysiology pp
Animated illustration for the  pathophysiology of depression

Infographics for diagnostic criteria

  • Depression PPT slides show insights into the diagnosis of Depression, including:
  • DSM-V diagnosis criteria and according to the ICD-10 diagnosis criteria.
depression diagnosis ppt
Infographics for Depression diagnostic  criteria

Medical illustrations visualizing types

  • Illustration of types including seasonal, postpartum, persistent and melancholic depression.
  • Also, the difference between atypical and clinical depression is explained by medical icons and infographics.

Animated mechanisms explaining treatment options

  • Treatment options are visualized and described, including pharmacological or non-pharmacological treatment.
  • Non-pharmacological treatment may include dietary changes, psychotherapy and physical activity.
  • Pharmacological treatment may include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, SSRIs, tricyclic antidepressants, TCAs, Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors, MAOIs and electroconvulsive therapy.
  • Dynamic animated illustrations explain the mechanisms of action of SSRIs, TCA and MAOIs and show the effect of each drug in maintaining the 5HT hormone in the synaptic gap.
  • Comparative animated illustrations demonstrate that SSRIs and TCA block the 5HT reuptake transporters, preventing reuptake of 5HT, but MAOIs act by preventing the oxidation of 5HT by monoamine oxidase enzyme.
  • Add your treatment options according to the latest updates from Neuropsychiatry.
treatment of  depression powerpoint
Animated Mechanisms Explaining  Treatment Options for Depression

Depression quotes

  • This fully editable Depression quotes slide will help you take your Depression PPT presentation to the next level.
Depression quotes ppt
Depression PowerPoint quotes.

RxSlides visuals of medical PowerPoint template on depression

  • A Set of PowerPoint icons and illustrations related to Depression will help you customize the content of this 100% editable presentation according to your content and audience interest.

RxSlides medical illustrations slides  

RxSlides medical illustrations free download
RxSlides illustrations of medical  PowerPoint template on depression

   RxSlides medical icons slides

RxSlides medical icons slides
RxSlides icons of medical  PowerPoint template on depression

Features of the Template

- 100% editable PowerPoint template.
- Editable colors, you can change according to your presentation style and company branding guidelines.