Iodine Deficiency Disorders Presentation: Medical PowerPoint Template
The iodine deficiency disorders PPT template is a dynamic medical PowerPoint template that will help you discover different characteristics of iodine and related deficiency disorders.
RxSlides medical presentations include medical animations and infographics, attracting your audience and keeping them engaged.
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Nice looking cover slides to start your Iodine deficiency disorders PPT presentation with.
Editable table of contents that will help you explain the contents of your Iodine deficiency disorders PPT presentation.
Editable table of contents that will help you explain the contents of your Iodine deficiency disorders PPT presentation
Characteristics of Iodine
Introductory slides describe the chemical structure of Iodine, molecular weight and atomic number.
Iodine with the symbol 'I' is a dark grey or purple-blackish nonmetallic element with atomic number 53 in the Periodic Table.
Characteristics of Iodine
Medical icons explaining Iodine functions
Functions of iodine include thyroid, growth, temperature, energy level and metabolism.
Medical icons explaining Iodine functions
Anatomical illustrations of the thyroid gland
Medical illustrations discuss the anatomy of the Thyroid gland and the surrounding structures, Thyroid cartilage, Thyroid gland and Trachea.
Anatomical illustrations of the thyroid gland
Animated slides visualize the steps of Iodide absorption, stimulation and formation of thyroid hormones.
Iodine absorption from blood to the thyroid gland
Animated illustrations in Iodine deficiency disorders PPT slides show the active uptake of iodide (I-) by the follicular cells involves an energy-requiring (ATPase-dependent) transport mechanism that allows I- to be taken up from capillary blood against both a concentration and an electrical gradient in exchange for Na+.
Iodide is “trapped” in the thyroid gland's follicular cells by an active transport mechanism that NIS mediates.
Once in the gland, iodine is rapidly bound to thyroglobulin (TG) and retention no longer requires active transport.
Formation of thyroid hormone
Impressive, animated illustrations in the Iodine deficiency disorders PPT visualize the critical role of iodide ions in the formation of thyroid hormones.
Thyroid gland stimulation by the pituitary gland
Animated illustrations demonstrate that the pituitary gland releases thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) followed by the stimulation of thyroid hormones.
Animated slides visualize the steps of Iodine absorption, stimulation and formation of thyroid hormones.
Medical icons showing Iodine sources
Sources of iodine such as iodized salt, milk, eggs, chicken and shellfish.
The daily reference intake of iodine is visualized with a chart.
Medical icons showing Iodine sources
Explanation of the mechanism of the thyroid gland enlargement
An animated illustration shows that iodine deficiency enlarges the thyroid gland to capture as much iodide as possible.
Goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid gland and Endemic goiter is an iodine-deficiency disease (IDD).
A comparative illustration shows normal and enlarged thyroid glands.
Explanation of the mechanism of the thyroid gland enlargement
Iodine deficiency prevalence
The prevalence of Iodine deficiency on global and local levels is visualized in the infographic.
Pie charts show that the disease has decreased in the last 30 years.
You can change the percentage and country of the prevalence according to your data.
prevalence of Iodine deficiency
Mechanism of hypothyroidism
Animated illustrations in Iodine deficiency disorders PPT show that the thyroid gland cannot produce Thyroid hormones due to Iodine deficiency.
As a result, the pituitary gland produces more TSH to stimulate the thyroid gland further. While unable to make hormones without iodine, the thyroid responds to TSH by growing.
Mechanism of hypothyroidism
Risk factors of Iodine deficiency in PPT animated design
Medical icons explain the risk factors, including goitrogenic food consumption, iodine-depleted soil, environmental toxin exposure, drinking tap water, low iodine intake and pregnancy problems.
Risk factors of Iodine deficiency
Symptoms of iodine deficiency
Symptoms are explained with visuals of weight gain, depression, thyroid problems, lethargy, pregnancy problems and dry skin.
Symptoms of Iodine deficiency
Illustrated Impact of iodine deficiency on children
This impact is visualized in the Iodine deficiency disorders PPT with medical icons representing:
Jeopardizing mental health.
Affect intelligence quotient.
Impact Reproductive Functions.
Illustrated Impact of iodine deficiency on children
Impact on a pregnant woman
Medical icons of Iodine deficiency disorders PPT visualize the Impact on pregnant women, including stillbirth, spontaneous abortion, irreversible forms of mental retardation in children and congenital abnormalities such as cretinism.
Impact of Iodine deficiency on a pregnant woman
Diagnostic methods of iodine deficiency
Diagnosis is explained with medical illustrations, including a thyroid ultrasound, a thyroid scan and a thyroid blood test.
Diagnostic methods of Iodine deficiency
Iodine deficiency treatment options
Treatment options are visualized and explained with illustrations of iodine supplements, administration of iodine solutions and Hormone therapy.
You can add or remove the treatment options in this PowerPoint slide.
The best way to prevent iodine deficiency is to eat a diet that includes foods that have iodine and use adequate iodized salt.
Iodine deficiency treatment options
RxSlides visuals of iodine deficiency medical PowerPoint template
A Set of PowerPoint icons and illustrations related to Iodine deficiency disease will help you customize the content of this 100% editable presentation according to your content and audience interest.
RxSlides illustrations of iodine deficiency medical PowerPoint template
RxSlides icons of iodine deficiency medical PowerPoint template
Features of the Template
- 100% editable PowerPoint template. - Editable colors, you can change according to your presentation style and company branding guidelines.
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