Sertraline PPT Template: Medical PowerPoint Template
This is a PowerPoint presentation template about Sertraline, an antidepressant.
Explore the processes by which Sertraline modulates serotonin levels in the brain. We have transformed complex concepts into attractive visuals, from reuptake inhibition to synaptic transmission.
So, if you are into antidepressant pharmacology or work in healthcare, this template is for you!
Sertraline PPT Template Content
You will start your Sertraline PPT template with creative cover slides with depression illustrations, sertraline tablets and medicine bottle (solution) illustrations.
The animated cover slide shows a before-and-after sertraline animation.
Sertraline overview
In this introductory medical slide in the Sertraline PPT template, we start with animated illustrations explaining the anatomy and physiology of the brain, including the cerebrum, frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, occipital lobe, insular lobe, cerebral cortex, basal ganglia and hindbrain.
You will also find illustrated hindbrain functions, including eye movement, hearing, balance, breathing regulation, sensory input and motor output.
This sertraline PPT template also provides medical slides to explain depression and explore the monoamine deficiency hypothesis and neurotransmitters involved in it.
You can notice three chemical structures with functional monoamine groups: serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine.
Serotonin deficiency causes obsession and compulsion.
Dopamine deficiency causes tiredness and motivation.
For more illustrated animations about depression pathophysiology, you can explore the depression PowerPoint template and animated medical slides.
This section also provides the chemical structure of the sertraline molecule.
The drug is classified as an anxiolytic and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor with animation illustrating it.
Sertraline is available in the market under the brand Zoloft by Viatris.
Sertraline PPT template
Pharmacokinetics of sertraline
Medical infographics explain the drug's metabolism, showing that Sertraline undergoes extensive first-pass metabolism.
Medical infographics explain different metabolic pathways of the drug.
Medical graphs for pharmacokinetics of sertraline
Animated mechanism of action of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
Normal transmission mechanism
We explain the normal transmission mechanism with animation: after release into the synaptic cleft, monoamine neurotransmitter action is ended by reuptake into the presynaptic terminal.
There, they can be repackaged into synaptic vesicles or degraded by the enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO), a target of monoamine oxidase inhibitors, a class of antidepressants.
Monoamine transmission depletion
The monoamine hypothesis of depression predicts that the underlying pathophysiologic basis of depression is a depletion in the levels of serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine in the central nervous system.
Receptor upregulation
Upregulation refers to an increase in the number of receptors due to prolonged deprivation of receptors interacting with their physiological neurotransmitter.
Sertraline mechanism of action
Sertraline is a serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SRI); animated illustrations explain that Sertraline selectively blocks the reuptake of serotonin (5-HT) at the presynaptic neuronal membrane, thereby increasing serotonergic activity.
Illustrated mechanism of action of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
Indications of sertraline
The Sertraline PPT template provides many illustrations to visualize different medical conditions. Sertraline is used in the following cases:
Common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, insomnia, xerostomia and serious side effects such as suicidality and depression exacerbations.
Clinical studies of Sertraline
This section of the Sertraline PPT template provides charts, medical infographics and medical graphs.
Use your data from different medical studies and turn it into visuals with modifiable charts.
Modify sertraline PowerPoint presentation according to your specific needs with ease, keeping your audience informed and engaged throughout.
Clinical studies of sertraline with medical infographics
Contraindications of sertraline
Sertraline is contraindicated in cases of drug hypersensitivity, hepatic impairments, abrupt withdrawal and MAOI use within 14 days.
Black-box warning of sertraline
According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), antidepressants increase suicidality risk in pediatrics and young adult patients in short-term studies.
Monitor closely for clinical worsening and suicidality; advise families and caregivers of the need for close observation and communication with the prescriber.
Black-box warning of sertraline
Drug interactions of Sertraline
The Sertraline PowerPoint template provides different medical infographics for different drug interactions.
The drug should not be used within 14 days of use. Isocarboxazid, phenelzine, selegiline and tranylcypromine.
Concurrent use of these drugs with Sertraline may increase the risk of CNS depression, psychomotor impairment and serotonin syndrome.
Disulfiram use may result in alcohol-disulfiram-like reactions (oral suspension contains alcohol)
Concurrent use of Eliglustat with Sertraline may increase the risk of gastrointestinal ulceration and stenotic lesions. Gastrointestinal transit delays increased local exposure to high potassium concentrations.
Drug interactions of sertraline
RxSlides visuals for sertraline PowerPoint template
You can notice that RxSlides provides you with a set of PowerPoint icons and illustrations related to Sertraline that will help you customize the content of this 100% editable presentation according to your content and audience interest.
RxSlides illustrations for sertraline PowerPoint template
RxSlides icons for sertraline PowerPoint template
Features of the Template
- 100% editable PowerPoint template. - Editable colors, you can change according to your presentation style and company branding guidelines.
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