The Scoliosis PPT template is an animated medical PowerPoint template that will help you realize the full potential of your presentation.
This template is one of RxSlides library of musculoskeletal PowerPoint templates includes other medical animations and infographics that will attract your audience.
You can take advantage of our demonstrated infographics to provide your audience with a dynamic and appealing scoliosis presentation.
Scoliosis PowerPoint Template Content
Creative cover slides to start your Scoliosis PPT presentation.
Creative cover slides for scoliosis PPT presentation
A group of dynamic introductory slides demonstrate the difference between a healthy and scoliosis spine.
Definition of scoliosis
Scoliosis is a musculoskeletal illness with a sideways curve in your backbone (or spine).
A descriptive illustration of the healthy spine vertebrae:
consists of cervical vertebrae, thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae, sacral vertebrae and coccygeal vertebrae.
Descriptive illustration for a healthy spine muscle
The muscles responsible for back movement include the sternocleidomastoid, deltoid, trapezius, latissimus dorsi and erector spine.
The side view illustrates the natural front-to-back curves of a healthy spine.
The Scoliosis PPT illustrations show the cervical spine, which is the curve in the neck area; the thoracic spine, which is the curve located in the upper back; and finally, the lumbar spine, which is the curve located in the lower back.
The case properties show an abnormal side-to-side curve of the spine; the shoulder blades may stick out; the body may lean into one side; and one hip or one shoulder may appear higher than the other.
Introductory slides show the difference between healthy and scoliosis spine
Scoliosis causes explained by medical icons
The causes of scoliosis are visualized with icons that show cerebral palsy, spina bifida, arthritis, polio, muscular dystrophy and osteoporosis.
Causes explained by medical icons
Comparative illustration for scoliosis types
The scoliosis types are shown in animated illustrations of idiopathic scoliosis, congenital scoliosis and neuromuscular scoliosis.
Scoliosis is differentiated from kyphosis and lordosis using animated illustrations to show the differences clearly.
Comparative illustrations of types of scoliosis
Scoliosis symptoms are explained by icons
Signs and symptoms are explained with visuals of the difference in shoulder height, the difference in hip height or position, the fact that the head is not centered with the rest of the body and the difference in shoulder blade height or position.
Symptoms explained by icons of scoliosis
Scoliosis diagnostic measures
Diagnosis measures are also mentioned, with illustrations explaining Cobb’s angle, which is the most common element used for diagnosis shown by X-ray examination To estimate the curvature of the spine.
According to the angle estimated, scoliosis is divided into mild, moderate and severe scoliosis.
Cobb angle in the range of 10 to 20 degrees is considered as mild scoliosis.
Scoliosis severity is moderate when the Cobb angle ranges from 20 to 40 degrees. A Cobb angle greater than 40 degrees denotes severe scoliosis.
Diagnosis measures of scoliosis
Treatment techniques for scoliosis
Treatment techniques are visualized and explained in Scoliosis PPT with animated, editable icons and illustrations.
Treatment for adults includes painkillers, back braces, exercise and spinal injections.
Treatment for children includes wearing casts and back braces.
Treatment techniques for scoliosis
Animated posterior spinal fusion procedure
The posterior spinal fusion procedure animation is shown by making an opening over the area of the curve in the spine, roughening the surfaces of the vertebrae to help stimulate the bones to heal together and then placing the bone grafts along the spine to allow the bones to grow together and keep the spine stable.
RxSlides Visuals for Scoliosis PowerPoint Presentation
Set of PowerPoint icons and illustrations related to scoliosis, which will help you customize the content of this 100% editable presentation according to your content and audience interest.
RxSlides visuals for scoliosis PowerPoint presentation
Features of the Template
- 100% editable PowerPoint template. - Editable colors, you can change according to your presentation style and company branding guidelines.
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